Business Grade Email.

The Issue.

Business Grade? Enterprise-Grade? Exchange? What does any of this mean, and why is it so hard to have it all linked?

What happens now that you have a growing business and need to add another account to the system, or you need to migrate to a more robust solution whilst keeping all your data?

The Solution.

Microsoft Exchange & Outlook.

Business-grade email does not have to be complex or hard to use, and Outlook works across almost every platform and device going.

The migration from whatever you currently use, to an Outlook Solution, is something we carry out daily, and it forms the platform from where your business transformation journey begins. 

In our opinion, it is the most crucial tool you will have, as it connects you to your customers.


The Issue.

Allowing your team to view, edit, save, and collaborate on work, used to require a complex and lengthy setup process, or one that involved countless emails back and forth between team members to get a document right.

Data was lost, corrupted, or team members could become frustrated with a lack of cohesion in working practices and the unreliable system.

The Solution.


In 2011 out stepped Microsoft Office 365 and technology became much more sophisticated, but with the sophistication came simplicity. 

You now have one powerful suite of cloud-based applications in which to run your business, all in one place, that is expandable as the business grows.

Your team can even work on the same document simultaneously, meaning your business is more connected.


The Issue.

So, you have email, and you have all your team connected through one integrated suite of applications, but where are you storing all your business-critical data, like customer information?

It is a requirement that your customer details are now stored in a location that has built-in protection against threats, and one in which you can delete them quickly if they request this.

You may have a solution that’s clunky, time-consuming and you are ready for an upgrade.

It is all just data; it should not be complicated!

The Solution.


Being part of the Office 365 Suite of applications, SharePoint is something you may already have, but have not fully utilized.

On your PC, it is a browser-based collaboration and document management platform, and on your smartphone or tablet, it is an easy-to-use App that is hugely powerful.

Integrating SharePoint is not a novice job, but we have years of experience in integrating it. 

One thing we pride ourselves on is making an easy-to-use platform that everyone can work on.


The Issue.

The everyday running of a business is full of tasks & processes that either generate money or cost money.

Often workflows are full of time-consuming, manual tasks, that are seen as being business-critical, but in most cases, these tasks add zero value in regard to the bottom line. More often than not, these suck up valuable personnel resources, resources that could be invested elsewhere to generate income.

The Solution.

Power Automate.

The automating of manual tasks used to be expensive and was really only reserved for big business.

Then Power Automate came about and changed the game completely. 

Now both simple and complex tasks that often required a lot of manual input can be automated.

This is where we come in, we will get to know your business, look at the processes, then advise, develop, and finally implement a suite of business automation solutions tailored specifically for you. 


The Issue.

Keeping on top of cashflow, monthly and weekly payroll, expenses claims, invoices, who is a debtor and who is a creditor, for any business can take hours of precious time away from its key players. In the cases of most SME’s, this ends up being the business owner themselves, often resulting in evenings and weekends being reserved for completing paperwork.

Traditionally this is where an accountant would step in, but as the traditional model is charged per hour, this can become very expensive very quickly and is often not pro-active.

The Solution.

Financial Automation.

There are many financial automation and digital accountancy packages available in the market today. As a business we use Xero, plus we have a dedicated Financial Specialist who we work with on the delivery for specialist projects, to bring everything under one roof.

As well as online-based accountancy packages, Microsoft Excel, Power BI, and Power Automate have powerful automation functions, functions that we can help you utilise so that you can keep track of the most complex reporting at the click of a button.


The Issue.

Being a business owner and trying to keep all your current and future income-generating projects running smoothly, whilst knowing who in your team needs to complete what task and when can be stressful and time-consuming. All you really want is a bit of foresight and built-in control.

The Solution.

Planner and Projects.

Being integrated into the 365 suite means you now have dedicated planning and management applications that work on any device, applications that perform equally well whether you are sat at your desk, or out in the field. They are easy to use and extremely powerful, giving you total control.


The Issue.

Not all websites are created equally, and even though you might currently have a visible website that has been owned by the business for some time, you are struggling to be found, even though have a fantastic product or service to offer.

You could have a start-up and are concerned about getting your online offering spot on.

The complexity of Google Analytics, Bing for Business, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), Google Ads, what Keywords to use, and how to effectively categorise, is confusing you leaving the business at a disadvantage to your competitors.

The Solution.

A Website that showcases your business.

We will enable you to create your own little place on the big worldwide web.
Working in collaboration together you can own it, make it yours, showcase what you do; and most importantly – BE FOUND.

We work our absolute hardest to make sure your website stands out and gets you noticed. Our understanding of the technical aspects of how websites perform across multiple platforms and devices, ensure that your site looks its best, whatever it is being viewed on.


The Issue.

Giving your current and future clients easy access to your diary and the ability to book time with you, without having to phone or email first, is now becoming a more critical function for any business. 

As a market, online bookings are expected to experience a compound annual growth rate of 15.1% until 2024, so this is not an area of business anyone can ignore for very long. 

But as a business, how do you integrate bookings across multiple platforms and applications? 

The Solution.

Microsoft Bookings.

The good thing is, if you already have a Business Standard Office 365 licence, you now have access to Microsoft Bookings included. It seamlessly integrates with your business calendar, meaning you will no longer miss an appointment that has been booked. 

Security is never compromised, as neither you or your customer’s data needs to be transferred between applications, it all stays within the Office 365 environment.


The Issue.

In 2020, 87% of UK households bought goods online, so if selling on-line, otherwise known as e-commerce, is going to be an offering for your business it is critical to get it right, but it is extremely daunting if you have never done it before.

There are hundreds of combinations of integrators, platforms, payment gateways, inventory management systems, shipping, B2B, and B2C – and that is just the online stuff; what if you want to link it to your physical shop?

The Solution.

An integrated, Secure E-Commerce Platform.

With the market being estimated at a total of £193.7 Billion, e-commerce is here to stay, and recent events show us that all businesses need to be agile and diversify

An e-commerce solution is no different.

We will build an integrated, secure, robust, and easy-to-use platform, enabling you to sell your product or services, both quickly and easily to your customers, wherever they are in the world, at the click of a button. We will keep it simple, and your customers, well, they will love you for it!


The Issue.

You have a website that looks good, but it performs badly, or it is slow to respond. Customer engagement could be improved, and your potential customers are clicking off your site too early, which in turn is having an adverse effect on your conversion rate.

The Solution.

As with Websites, not all domain hosting is created equal. If you are having performance issues, it is likely the website is hosted on a server that shares resources with thousands of other sites. We are different, and we will not compromise, that is why all our sites are hosted on ultra-fast servers with dedicated IP Addresses.


So, you now have a new system in place and things are ticking along nicely. Suddenly, something breaks, and you don’t have the experience or knowledge to fix it.

You have been searching for hours on YouTube and Google, trying to work out how to get a particular function to work, but no matter what you, it just won’t play ball.

The Solution.

Reliable Technical Support on Demand.

Whatever happens, no matter how broken something looks, we’ve got your back.

When you need us, call us, and if it’s a quick fix we will get you on your way in no time.

If the problem is complex, we will schedule a time where we can analyse exactly what is going on, give you a solution and implement it.

If you are working with Melbreck Connect, then you are never alone.